Hang on, Mr. President, calvary to the rescue!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

In Case You Didn't Already Know...

...Republican strategists think you are stupid. In a NY Times article about Giuliani's inability to use a single accurate fact on the campaign trail, we get this:

Frank Luntz, a Republican strategist who once worked for Mr. Giuliani, said he doubted that the issue would hurt him politically.

“When he talks about New York, people see it,” Mr. Luntz said of Mr. Giuliani, “and they feel it, and if a number isn’t quite right, or is off by a small amount, nobody will care, because it rings true to them.”

In other words, if Giuliani exaggerates a number, or tells an outright lie, they don't think you care. That's right. According to Republican strategists, you don't care whether something is true or not, only whether it seems true. Explains alot, I guess.

Maybe I was just hoping Colbert was exaggerating..