Hang on, Mr. President, calvary to the rescue!

Monday, November 07, 2005

How Much is Too Much?

The government is threatening churches because they oppose unprovoked war.

The Executive Branch of our government is arguing that it should be okay to torture people.

The FBI is building a permanent detailed database of information on US citizens and disseminating it freely amongst federal agencies.

How much more of this can we take before impeachment will be called for on the grounds of self defense?


Blogger aprildawn said...

huh. and use of anxiety medication is on the rise...how odd.

4:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"impeachment is for blogjobs"...
huh, that makes perfect sense!
i can't wait until the next rally, my sign will be the best on the common!

10:37 AM

Blogger Coolhand said...

that beats my "impeachment is for 'exhale employment'" joke. oh well. (followed this blog from jesse's "confetti in my hair."

12:27 AM


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